Chastity - resources for teenagers

In response to a question asked at my talk on Monday night, I promised to post an item with resources for teenagers related to chastity. Here are just a few.

Thanks to a Lynne of A Quiet Catholic for a very good one:Pure Love Club, a good interactive website with quizzes, Q&A and the like.

Some young people may like the trendy Phatmass site which has some materials about Catholic living and morality in its Defense directory. It's all good sound stuff.

UPDATE: thanks to "mixieblob", here are two more excellent sites:

Love Matters - a new one to me.
Stand Up Girl - an excellent site I found some time back and had forgotten about.

I also mentioned the great Pam Stenzel who talks particularly about the physical and emotional cost of sex outside of the monogamous relationship of marriage. Pam has her own website: and it is possible to email her there. Here are two videos posted on YouTube. If you like these, you might want to order Pam's DVD so that you can show it to others.

Pam Stenzel "Sex still has a price tag" - part 1

Pam Stenzel "Sex still has a price tag" - part 2

And Karen (Gem of the Ocean) has wisely suggested adding an essential resource - the on/off button on the TV. Her comment is well worth reading (Cf. Gem of the Ocean at this link)

I would be happy to receive further recommendations in the combox (please follow the instructions in "How to put a link in the combox" if you can - if you can't do this, don't worry, just paste the link in anyway!

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