Some photos from Hull

Perhaps I should have written "Ferters from Hull" copying the vowels from the train announcer "the last der on the trairn will not erpen". (The youngsters from Hull found it funny when I hammed up a drawled cockney accent.) The above photo is of the Humber Bridge which has a span of 1410m and was, for 16 years, the longest single span suspension bridge in the world. I missed it on the way up because I was buried in the computer so I made sure to get a photo on the way back.

While in Hull, I met James and Ella Preece of Catholic and Loving it! as well as the redoubtable journalist, Richard Marsden who has written a report on his blog "Bashing Secularism". Richard has some information there about the beautiful Church of St Charles, built in 1829 to replace the chapel that was destroyed in the Gordon riots in 1780. We went to visit the Church on the way over to Fr Massie's presbytery for some pasta so I was glad to have had my camera with me.

As you can see, the Church was built before the great Pugin managed to convince everyone that only gothic Churches were truly Catholic.

One of the things I look for in a Church is the possibility of restoration. Here you can see that not much needs to be done since the High Altar is intact - a step has been removed but a new one could be built easily enough. The new forward-facing altar is easily removable. (I should add, though, that it is a very dignified altar, in keeping with the Church.)

Here is the Lady Chapel, situated half way down the south aisle:

And here is the statue of the Church's patron Saint, the great implementer of the Council of Trent, St Charles Borromeo:

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