Shawn Tribe in the Herald

The Catholic Herald this week has a first-class major article by Shawn Tribe of the New Liturgical Movement, looking at Summorum Pontificum one year on. (Cf. In a year Pope Benedict XVI has reshaped the liturgical landscape)

His balanced analysis is accurate and to the point. He points out that:
Whereas the ancient liturgy previously had a strong stigma attached to it, the legal clarifications surrounding its status, as well as the evident value that the Supreme Pontiff was attaching to it, created a more positive and open climate.
He is aware of the obstacles that remain because of ordinary human reactions:
[...] decades of thinking of the 1962 Missale Romanum as either an exception to the law, or an aberration, is not easily undone overnight, and so it is, again, perhaps no surprise that such conservative patterns of thinking can yet remain.
Congratulations to Shawn on this excellent article and to the Catholic Herald for commissioning it.

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