Oxford tomorrow

Tomorrow I will be off to Oxford for the training seminar organised by the Latin Mass Society. I will be taking one of the groups of "beginners" and a group wishing to learn about the older form of the rite of Baptism. On the Tuesday afternoon, I am giving a lecture on the subject of "Implementing the Motu Proprio in the parish context". (This will be published in due course by the LMS.) Later on the Tuesday, I will be celebrating the public Mass. Although it would be quite possible to have a High Mass each day, the Masses on Tuesday and Wednesday will be Missae Cantatae in the more solemn and less solemn form so that the participants in the seminar can participate in these forms of the celebration of Mass.

Although I celebrate a Missa Cantata regularly in the parish, it is a little daunting to be celebrating in the presence of the editor of the new edition of Fortescue's "Ceremonies of the Roman Rite" and several other distinguished liturgical scholars. I'm worried that I will get all flummoxed, incense the cruets or sing "The Lord be with you" in English or something.

I am really looking forward to this conference. It is always a joy to return to Oxford, my home for three very happy years; and the gathering of priests from all over the country is an unequalled opportunity for both serious exchange and light-hearted banter.

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