John Fisher School website and Sir Dan

The John Fisher School website has a picture of the school chapel decorated for the final part of Advent. This is the chapel where I began attending daily Mass before school when I was 16. There were various priests at the school in those days (I'm talking mid-1970s) and several of us used to go to Mass early in the morning. There was also Benediction after school on Friday - a tradition that continues today.

If you look at the Christmas Newsletter (pdf), you will find, on page 9, a report on the Faith Club. This was started in 1972 and I was one of the early Chairmen - two after Andrew Nash, the brother of Auntie Joanna. There have been many priestly vocations from the Faith Club since that time. When Fr Roger Nesbitt was moved to a parish (in 1979, I think) we were worried about the future of the Faith Club at the school.

However, Dan Cooper has done sterling work keeping it going more than 25 years on. It still meets in what used to be Fr Nesbitt's study - a room we nicknamed "The Nesbitry." He is well known for his sayings such as "Don't be devious!" and "Have you seen the Herald?" He also offers pungent comment on contemporary culture. My own all-time favourite is
"Have you heard about that film Love Actually? It's fornication, actually."
In every way, I think Dan would be an ideal candidate for a papal knighthood. (He would not really want this - which is all the more reason for him to get it.) The problem is that he has not served on any Committees, edited a publication that dissents from the Magisterium, or donated $10 million to an ugly modern Cathedral so he's probably not on the A-list.

Therefore, I wish to propose a blogoshperical knighthood ("Sir Dan of the Nesbitry") by acclamation. Please take a moment to cast your vote in the poll on the sidebar. Vote as many times as you like.

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