John Fisher School website and Sir Dan

If you look at the Christmas Newsletter (pdf), you will find, on page 9, a report on the Faith Club. This was started in 1972 and I was one of the early Chairmen - two after Andrew Nash, the brother of Auntie Joanna. There have been many priestly vocations from the Faith Club since that time. When Fr Roger Nesbitt was moved to a parish (in 1979, I think) we were worried about the future of the Faith Club at the school.

"Have you heard about that film Love Actually? It's fornication, actually."In every way, I think Dan would be an ideal candidate for a papal knighthood. (He would not really want this - which is all the more reason for him to get it.) The problem is that he has not served on any Committees, edited a publication that dissents from the Magisterium, or donated $10 million to an ugly modern Cathedral so he's probably not on the A-list.
Therefore, I wish to propose a blogoshperical knighthood ("Sir Dan of the Nesbitry") by acclamation. Please take a moment to cast your vote in the poll on the sidebar. Vote as many times as you like.