Guadalupe film

Just heard on the Ward Wide Web that a film about Guadalupe has been released. Here is a link to Guadalupe. La Pellicola, the official site with trailers, wallpapers, screensavers etc.

Houston Chronicle movie reviews says:
This modest, earnest film is really a homage to Mexican culture, faith and people. It's split equally between vibrant travelogue, solemn history lesson and feel-good family flick.
The El Paso Times summary:
A new feature-length movie about the apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe in 1531. The movie is set in current-day Mexico and presents the story of brother and sister, Jose Maria and Mercedes, both scientists who have dedicated their lives to archaeology and history and decide to investigate the case of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Motivated by their curiosity and by the difficult situation they are experiencing in their lives, they discover something during their research that changes their lives forever. Directed by Santiago Parra.

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