Faith Symposium I

The journey up to Ampleforth was uneventful part from some heavy fog on the M25 and a rather nasty looking accident on the clockwise side. Say a prayer for anyone who was injured.

The first speaker at the Faith Symposium was Fr Michael John Galbraith who gave a thought-provoking paper raising various questions about the use of the terms "prosopon", "ousia" and "hypostasis" as applied to Jesus Christ. One particular query raised afterwards in questions was whether there has been a good study written recently on the use of these terms before the Chalcedonian settlement and particularly in non-Christian writers.

The received view is that the Greek words only received a fixed meaning as a result of the Christological controversies but one priest who had done his doctorate on the concept of personhood suggested that this might be open to challenge. If anyone knows of any good recent works on this subject, I would be grateful for a reference in the combox.

This morning, Frs John Boyle and I served each others' Masses in the Crypt. Many others concelebrated at the Conventual Mass later on. After that, Fr Dominic Rolls gave a paper on the divinity of Christ in the scriptures, and particularly the use of particular texts by the Fathers and especially St Athanasius. This afternoon, Fr Stephen Dingley will be addressing the controversial but important topic of the self-consciousness of Christ. The papers from the Symposium will be published in the Faith Magazine in due course.

I am currently sitting in the Arabica Coffee house in Thirsk. There is no wifi in the guest house at Ampleforth and I have yet to discover if I can log on to the wifi in the school somewhere. I had to come into town for a couple of things anyway so bought the laptop and enquired at the Tourist Information Office who were able to point me in the right direction.

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