Welcoming Fr Z

Über-blogger Fr Zuhlsdorf of What Does the Prayer Really Say arrived on schedule in England this morning. We took a light lunch before I went over to St Thomas More School to assist at Mass celebrated by Bishop Patrick Lynch for Amy Curran and Georgina Fox. Please continue to remember them and their families in your prayers.

After I had finished various parish duties we repaired to the friendly Spanish restaurant Los Parrales at the Oval for a reasonably early supper of seafood paella, and some conversation about liturgy, history, and theology. After a visit to Rome next week, Fr Z will be speaking to the Oxford Newman Society on Friday 15 Feb and taking part in a blogfest on Saturday 16th. He's now in bed recovering from a day and a half's travel from Minnesota and will be joining us in the morning for the Candlemas Missa Cantata.

We'll get some photos sometime tomorrow - probably involving spoons and Fanta and suchlike...

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