Just what does the prayer really say?

Fr Zuhlsdorf is currently staying with me at Blackfen. He has some photos up from yesterday's Missa Cantata for Candlemas and our gathering afterwards. (See Candle-Mass) I handed Mulier Fortis my camera before Mass and so there are plenty of other photos. I'll make these up into a "video" for YouTube when I get a moment.

Fr Z kindly said the evening Mass for me but then upbraided me afterwards for giving him a Missal with the dreaded ICEL prayers in it. In fact, I have a spare copy of the hand-missal sized NLC Missal which is still legitimate in England and Wales and have given him this for his interest. In the evening we went through the prayers and found that although the NLC is vastly better than ICEL, it still leaves something to be desired. It has an aversion to relative clauses and I seem to remember that this was policy at the time.

I'm off round to Wonersh tonight and will be there for the "St John's Day" celebrations on Tuesday so I should have some time tomorrow afternoon to post a few things that are of interest. I have just had a live show of Fr Z fisking an article by Richard McBrien. (Richard McBrien praises Archbp. Marini’s book: the usual cliches)

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