Janet Smith - venues

I mentioned Janet Smith's talk yesterday. Together with a reminder that I think she is the best speaker I have heard on Humanae Vitae, here is a reminder of the details:

Contraception: Why not?
Professor Janet E Smith

Thursday 6 March 2008
Westminster Cathedral Hall

Professor Smith offers a stimulating opportunity to seriously reconsider the modern enthusiasm for contraception. her message has captivated audiences all around the world, particularly married couples, those considering marriage, catechists, counsellors, doctors, priests and seminarians.

Janet Smith teaches Life Ethics at Sacred Heart Seminary Detroit USA.

Places are limited. Entrance fee: £5.
Please register at cathmacgillivray@rcdow.org.uk
020 7931 6064

In addition, there are these additional venues for students and priests:

For students (only) she is speaking at the Catholic Chaplaincy in Gower Street on Wednesday 5 March at 7.30pm

For priests (only) she is speaking at St Mary Moorfields on Thursday 6 March at 2pm

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