Visiting the Portsmouth LMS

Next month, I will be visiting the diocese of Portsmouth for two events organised by the Latin Mass Society.

On Friday 14 March, I will be saying Mass at 5pm, followed by Benediction, at the beautiful Church of St Mary's Ryde, pictured above. in the morning, I will cross the Solent on the catermeran with members of the Latin Mass Society which is thriving on the Island, to visit St John's Cathedral at Portsmouth to preach a Day of Recollection for the Society. Here is the programme, from the Portsmouth section of the LMS website:

Annual Lenten Day of Recollection 2008
Saturday 15th March 2008 with Father Tim Finigan on the theme: In union with Christ the Victim for our Salvation.


11.00am Welcome & first part of talk
12.15pm Latin Mass (Tridentine Rite)
1.00pm Break for lunch
1.45pm Second part of talk
2.30pm Stations of the Cross
3.15pm Exposition (with Confessions)
4.00pm Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament

The day is expected to finish around 4.15pm. Please attend what you can manage if not the whole day. Some refreshments / sandwiches available, or bring your own lunch. There is no charge to attend - only a collection during the Mass itself.

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