Prenatal Partners for Life

In the combox, Elizabeth told me of the excellent website Prenatal Partners for Life. this offers:
Support information & encouragement for carrying to term with an adverse prenatal diagnosis and support for raising your child with special needs after birth
There is a good video on the homepage "Down the Road of Bittersweet". I have emailed to ask if it is posted anywhere in a form that can be embedded here.

There is an special page for priests and pastors giving sound advice on what to say and what not to say. These lists are particularly valuable because they were compiled by parents who had been given a negative prenatal diagnosis. Interestingly, the "what not to say" list includes some classics of "non-directive counselling." The statements
  • Only you know what is best for you and your family.
  • This is between you and God.
  • What do you think is the right thing to do?
  • This is a complicated matter.
  • Follow your own conscience.
  • Listen to the doctors and do what you think your heart tells you to do.
  • If your choice is made with love, it can’t be wrong.
are listed among those "things that may cause confusion and lead a women to end her pregnancy".

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