Pray to Bl John Duns Scotus for Fr Fehlner

I met Fr Peter Damien Fehlner FI (Franciscans of the Immaculate) when I was giving a lecture to the Co-Redemption Conference on the Immaculate Conception in England in the middle ages. Fr Fehlner has been teaching theology from a Scotist perspective for over 40 years and I was awed by his comprehensive knowledge and subtlety as befits a devotee of the Doctor Subtilis.

Fr Fehlner has been suffering from eye ailments for a while and is to undergo some major surgery. Helen has posted some Novena prayers which can be said for Fr Fehlner and indeed for the canonisation of Blessed John Duns Scotus. I would particularly encourage undergraduates and Masters of Oxford university in this and especially members of Merton College - also devotees of Fr Faber, the Faith Movement, and keen Scotists everywhere. (Castle of the Immaculate: Novena in honor of Bl. Duns Scotus)

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