Revised Good Friday prayer - a sensible suggestion

The Latin Mass Society of England and Wales has issed a press release regarding the revised prayer for the Jewish people in the Liturgy of Good Friday according to the extraordinary form of the Roman rite. The press release quotes the prayer and a translation and says:

The new prayer was written by Pope Benedict himself and keeps the key idea of conversion to Christ. It situates the Jewish people as one group among all the groups of humankind who are offered conversion and salvation through Christ.

Although the Good Friday Prayer for the Jews had previously been revised by Blessed Pope John XXIII, some still found a hint in it that it was offered at rather than for the Jews. This possible ambiguity has now been removed.

Although some might wonder if there was indeed a pressing need to rewrite the prayer, nevertheless the Latin Mass Society in loyalty to the Holy Father’s clear wish will use the new prayer in all Good Friday services organised under its auspices.

John Medlin, General Manager of the LMS, expressed a personal opinion and said: ‘The new Good Friday Prayer for the Jews is self-evidently more concise and unambiguous than the current Prayer for the Jewish People in the 1970 Missal of Paul VI. I wonder if consideration might be given to introducing the new prayer into the 1970 Missal.’
I agree with John Medlin's sensible suggestion. This would be an example of the mutual enrichment that Pope Benedict called for in Summorum Pontificum. The "new old form" could be allowed as an option where the Liturgy of Good Friday is celebrated in the old newer form of the Roman rite.

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